Hong x Panasonic
洪建全基金會秉持對文化播種與散佈的開創精神,作為一個表演與視覺藝術的開放平台,明瞭創作與技術是相輔相成,延續過去「洪建全視聽圖書館」(1975-1989) 對台灣藝文發展的支持,啟動不同尺度的藝術贊助並引入最尖端的科技設備,2018年起特別與台灣松下公司Panasonic共同合作,提供贊助使用先進的多媒體設備器材,以科技結合藝術的方式,鼓勵激發各類型創作人才及作品讓世界看見。
Hong Foundation has strived to promote the spread and expansion of culture. As an open platform for the performing and visual arts, we understand that creativity and technology go hand in hand. In continuation of the support we provided for domestic humanities through Hong’s Audio-Visual Library (1975-1989), we have launched various sponsorship programs for the arts as well as provided artists with the most cutting-edge technological equipment. The Foundation teamed up with Panasonic Taiwan in 2018 to sponsor artists with advanced multimedia hardware. By linking together the arts and technology, we hope to encourage artists to continue in their creative endeavors and make it possible for the world to see their work.